Friday, March 30, 2012

Bread Talk always yUmm..

It’s cool when we can express how we feel just by breads, it’ sound like that the bread could talk and simply show about what’s going on around… Fantastic…

Anyway… I just passing by the crowded town of Kuta last time and stopped at Centro just for quick break of shopping with my beloved ex-boyfriend who has become my husband now : ) … yet had the shopping I’ve stocked at the Breadtalk breads counter which smelt so goooooddd ( yes it was… it made my nose hacking… ooppppss just joking ;p )

I just can’t say no for this… especially the one with the sunflower seeds as above picture, one of my favorite… hhhmmmm yuuuuummmmyyyyy… nyam…nyam…

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Nyepi Day

Nyepi is a Balinese "Day of Silence" that falls on Bali's Lunar New Year. It is a day of silence, fasting, and meditation. The day following Nyepi is also celebrated as New year Gudi Padva in Maharashtra and Ugadi in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka in India

Observed from 6 a.m. until 6 a.m. the next morning, Nyepi is a day reserved for self-reflection and as such, anything that might interfere with that purpose is restricted. The main restrictions are: no lighting fires (and lights must be kept low); no working; no entertainment or pleasure; no traveling; and for some, no talking or eating at all. The effect of these prohibitions is that Bali’s usually bustling streets and roads are empty, there is little or no noise from TVs and radios, and few signs of activity are seen even inside homes. The only people to be seen outdoors are the Pecalang, traditional security men who patrol the streets to ensure the prohibitions are being followed.

Although Nyepi is primarily a Hindu holiday, non-Hindu residents of Bali observe the day of silence as well, out of respect for their fellow citizens. Even tourists are not exempt; although free to do as they wish inside their hotels, no one is allowed onto the beaches or streets, and the only airport in Bali remains closed for the entire day. The only exceptions granted are for emergency vehicles carrying those with life-threatening conditions and women about to give birth.

On the day after Nyepi, known as Ngembak Geni, social activity picks up again quickly, as families and friends gather to ask forgiveness from one another, and to perform certain religious rituals together.

* First, The Melasti Ritual is performed at the 3-4 previous day. It is dedicated to Sanghyang Widhi Wasa and is performed at the beach to respect them as the owner of The Land and Sea. The ritual performed in temple near the sea (Pura Segara) and meant to purify Arca, Pratima, and Pralingga (sacred objects) belongs to several temples, also to acquire sacred water from the sea.
* Second, The Bhuta Yajna Ritual is performed in order to vanquish the negative elements and create balance with God, Mankind, and Nature. The ritual also meant to appease Batara Kala by Pecaruan offering. Devout Hindu Balinese villages usually make ogoh-ogoh, demonic statues made of bamboo and paper symbolizing negative elements or malevolent spirits. After the ogoh-ogoh have been paraded around the village, the Ngrupuk ritual takes place, which involves burning the ogoh-ogoh.
* Third, The Nyepi Rituals is performed with the following conditions:
o Amati Geni: No fire/light
o Amati Karya: No working
o Amati Lelunganan: No traveling
o Amati Lelanguan: Fasting and no revelry/self-entertainment
* Fourth, The Yoga/Brata Ritual starts at 6:00 AM (e.g. March 26, 2009) and continues to 6:00 AM the next day.
* Fifth, The Ngebak Agni/Labuh Brata Ritual is performed for all Hindus to forgive each other and to welcome the new days to come.
* Sixth and finally, The Dharma Shanti Rituals is performed as the Nyepi Day or "Day of Silence."

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pizza Hut getting hOt..

Once upon a time, I took one of my best friends to Denpasar and furthermore to Kuta area, simply hanging around for a mind refreshed after abundant tasks from the lectures… huhp…

As youngsters ( yes I was… noted in 2005… ooopppss :p ) we snatched for an updating fashionate style by visiting a mall ( doesn’t really matter about how it was.. as I forgot what dresses I’ve bought, not so important either )

After having enough with the shopping appetites, my stomach started to ring a call for yummy light foods and of course tasty cool sweet drinks as walking around the mall made me totally exhausted. For the easiest and fastest way to get re-energized, I came up to the master pizza maker i.e Pizza Hut just for a quick light lunch as I didn’t want to have too much foody bloody food since I had a dinner appointment at Excelso DFA, it weird, wasn’t it???!! Excelso is a kind of coffee shop which is great for luncheon time and tea time; however an invitation must be appreciated, isn’t it?!!! Yes, it is…

Here it was a huge fingers pizza for two… hhhhmmmmm encouraged my appetite then…

Yum Dine at Excelso Bali Galeria Mall

Yup, the journey wasn’t end yet. Had 5 fingers pizza ( ooohhhhhh overloaded! too luscious too disregard, the result was : a big stomach rode to Kuta, it made me so sleepy… ohhh what a bad habit…!!! ). Met a friend with a cheerfull chit_chat makes the ambience so attractively hosted, moreover with eye-catching glittered highheel I wore, yyyiiiiiiiiipppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ( unfortunately U can’t see it on the picture as I just took the foods only hihihihihi…; ) not a big deal lah… )

Sat down on a comfort sofa in a very cozy place with yuuuummmmyyyy meals I”ve ordered, opppsss my eyes and mind got hungry before it should be ring the bell, whereas my stomach oohhooohhooooo just looks like a little budha… huhp…

Here it were… the appetite salads… yummy pastas… luscious mocktail… triple deckers… basket of assorted sausages, french fries and fried meatballs… and hhhhhhmmmm delicate choco gelato fullcream dessert with red-dilicious cherry on top…. Just PERFECTO….!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

HeLLo EveRybOdy ^_^

Hello Guys finally i'm back for my blog on this Dragon year 2012 after finishing abundant of stressful works.. hehe ;) I decided to create the new one as my old blog get disable.. now i'm starting to manage it and setting it up back again.. enjoying my new profession as a business woman haha still to have learn more on this.. being able to access my blog at home is much easier for me to update it... with the new notebook really helps me much to open the world's window from my lovely village in ubud...alright let hit the road guys #LeGgO
and oh today is so special cuz it's my lovely honey birthday..yaayy!! Happy 18th Birthday my love Justin Bieber.. i love u my sunshine.. <3