Friday, March 16, 2012

Pizza Hut getting hOt..

Once upon a time, I took one of my best friends to Denpasar and furthermore to Kuta area, simply hanging around for a mind refreshed after abundant tasks from the lectures… huhp…

As youngsters ( yes I was… noted in 2005… ooopppss :p ) we snatched for an updating fashionate style by visiting a mall ( doesn’t really matter about how it was.. as I forgot what dresses I’ve bought, not so important either )

After having enough with the shopping appetites, my stomach started to ring a call for yummy light foods and of course tasty cool sweet drinks as walking around the mall made me totally exhausted. For the easiest and fastest way to get re-energized, I came up to the master pizza maker i.e Pizza Hut just for a quick light lunch as I didn’t want to have too much foody bloody food since I had a dinner appointment at Excelso DFA, it weird, wasn’t it???!! Excelso is a kind of coffee shop which is great for luncheon time and tea time; however an invitation must be appreciated, isn’t it?!!! Yes, it is…

Here it was a huge fingers pizza for two… hhhhmmmmm encouraged my appetite then…

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